No more feeling like there's "slim pickings."

Discover how to attract & SUSTAIN the relationship of your DREAMS
with Magnetic Dating Lab.


You meet guys who SAY they want a relationship, then realize they "aren't ready" 3 dates in.

You leave dates feeling like you just wasted your Friday night (and full hair & makeup ).

You attract guys who go all-in quickly, only to tell you he's "not sure" a month later when you're already attached. 


No doubt, it's rough out there in the modern dating scene. 

But let's be honest for a sec...

It's NOT your fault. I don't remember learning how to attract a healthy partner in school. Do you?



You’re going on 37 dates thinking “it’s a numbers game" (it's not).

You lose your patience and chase the wrong guys Your gut tells you “this isn’t okay,” but you go against it because you feel a strong connection.

You’re having ANOTHER “conversation” with your situationship about where you stand even though there’s never any progress.

You second-guess yourself constantly:"Am I saying the right thing?" "Is it okay to text him?"

You clam up when a connection goes well. You change your entire personality to fit what you think he wants, and sabotage it before it had a chance.

Week after week, quality dates aren't filling up your calendar, and you’re left wondering if it's time to freeze your eggs.


Not so long ago, I was in so many “situationships," I used to call myself "The Almost Girlfriend."

WHILE getting a 4.0 GPA in my Master’s at Vanderbilt, I got attached to guys after two dates like he was the last person on Earth and missed red flags until it was too late. I was distrustful of men, jealous, and clingy. After always ending up in the same situations, I wanted to give up. But instead…

I used my training as a Licensed Therapist to create my proprietary, evidence-based Magnetic Method to attract compatible partners directly to me, and… It worked!!!

Not only did I have my pick of emotionally mature guys, but I also met my now-husband in just a few weeks!

But the BEST part? 

I shared this strategy with my clients, and they saw results in just HOURS or DAYS!! I’m OBSESSED with sharing the TANGIBLE strategies that transformed my life and the lives of my clients to help other women attract and HOLD ONTO their dream partner.

Emotionally available, proactive, driven men are NOT unicorns.

You just need to do a little self-work to become MAGNETIC to them.

The ONLY dating program based in *actual* evidence-based psychology and created by a Licensed Therapist.

No more beating yourself up because no one taught you how to date, k?

It's not your fault! But it IS on you if you don't equip yourself now.

Look at them now

What's waiting for you inside...



Understand the 3 things healthy partners look for, and the easy changes you can make to have them

Build the foundation of unshakable confidence to become unfazed by rejection, stop emotionally overinvesting, and walk away when you see a red flag

Learn how to meet your own needs so that you don’t become “needy” or date from a place of loneliness, urgency, or boredom 

Unlock the #1 most important thing to become magnetic to healthy partners


Understand the exact psychology behind which qualities matter for long-term compatibility (and which DON’T, that you’ve been wasting your time paying attention to).

Write the perfect dating app profile with my simple G.P.A. Strategy that is responsible for hundreds of healthy relationships and engagements, or use the proven examples from alumni.

Steal over 30 templates for creating deep, interesting conversation with a match so you stand out and get a response back.

Discover which qualities to compromise on VS which should be deal-breakers so you can trust your judgment as you vet potential partners.


Learn the 3 things that accelerate human attachment and stop needy behavior before it scares men away.

Understand the rules of dating and remove the guesswork from progressing a relationship.

Vet potential partners with my red-flag-o-meter, so you never choose the wrong guy again! (Plus get all of my green flags of an emotionally available, emotionally mature partner).

Learn the practical skills to stop over-analyzing, clamming up, clinging, or self-sabotaging when the relationship goes WELL so you can SUSTAIN a new connection.


Learn the difference between love, attachment, and compatibility so you can feel solid that this is healthy love. 

Confidently initiate conversation about the relationship status, anxieties that come up, and expectations without sounding needy so you are no longer afraid to bring things up.

What’s normal and not normal in a healthy relationship (Is it okay to check your partner’s phone? When is jealousy on you VS. on them?) so you feel SOLID in who you choose as your partner.

Discover how to create a culture of healthy conflict resolution so you create a healthy relationship that will LAST. (Steal my exact phrasing and get ahead of the #1 reason relationships fail)


You'll get these BONUS Courses...

Self Love Lab (Valued at $797)

Skyrocket your self-worth in a way that LASTS and isn’t dependent on outside circumstances or people.

Texting Communication Cure Course (Valued at $347)

Stop overthinking and actually ENJOY the butterflies of a new relationship

Master Your Attachment Style Masterclass (Valued at $347)

Master feeling secure in yourself to stop spiraling & sabotaging

a perfectly good relationship!

Dating App Bio Overhaul Masterclass (Valued at $147)

My most up-to-date dating app strategy. Attract relationship-ready men, fast.

TOTAL VALUE: $1,638. Your Price: $0


You'll also get THESE secret menu bonus courses!

The Breakup Bounceback Blueprint 

(Valued at $147)

Proven, therapeutic strategies to help you cut your healing time in HALF and re-enter the dating pool with an open heart.

Love or Leave: Is this my person? 

(Valued at $347)

Eliminate anxiety, indecision, and doubt. Feel solid in your choices with my guide on what's normal (& not) in a healthy relationship.

Master Your Attachment Style Masterclass (Valued at $149)

Master feeling secure in yourself to stop spiraling & sabotaging

a perfectly good relationship!


Dating is hard enough! I don't want you to feel anxiety about trying out Magnetic Dating Lab. 

If at any point within 5 days of enrolling, you feel like you're not getting enough value from the program... I'll give you a prompt, hassle-free refund based on your consumption of the recorded curriculum.  



Kelsey Wonderlin is a Licensed Therapist and Dating Coach and creator of Magnetic Dating Lab. 

With nearly a decade of experience in couples therapy, individual therapy, and dating coaching, Kelsey has helped thousands of women skyrocket their confidence and attract wildly satisfying life partnerships. 

As a leading authority in dating coaching, she has mastered the art of attracting compatible, emotionally mature men while repelling incompatible partners away. Through her proven strategies and expert guidance, she has helped clients in over 38 countries build LASTING confidence, have FUN with dating, and ultimately land their dream life partner.

Attracting healthy love ISN'T luck.

Your WHOLE LIFE can change in just a few weeks when you're equipped with the skills you need.


I have the results to prove it.

  • I’m not actively dating. Do I have to be dating to benefit from Magnetic Dating Lab? What if I'm still getting over my ex?
    Nope! MDL is designed for any stage of the dating process.

    Many students join while taking a break from dating, healing from divorce, or recovering from a breakup in order to feel equipped when they get back out there!
  • Has this program been proven to work for women in my age group or divorced women?
    Yes! MDL students range from age 18-70, and many are re-entering the dating pool after divorce. (Divorced students report that MDL equipped them with the knowledge and strategies they needed, but didn’t have, their first time around!)

    The reason why this program WORKS across age groups is: Healthy relationship advice is the same across ages.

    *The only age-specific advice is regarding which dating apps to be on. Some apps have significantly more users in their 40s, 50s, and 60s, while others are mainly in their 20s and 30s. I cover which apps to be on for your age inside of Module 2 of Magnetic Dating Lab.
  • What if I’m in another country?
    We have students all over the world, in 200 countries and counting! Even in the US, some of my most successful MDL students revealed that they initially thought I wouldn’t understand the dating scene in their city (e.g., NYC, San Francisco, Dallas, etc) since I’m based in Nashville.

    But the reality is: Healthy relationship principles are generally similar across cultures. Core values and worldviews may differ between cultures, but the goal remains finding someone who SHARES these qualities for long-term compatibility - and that’s exactly what I teach you inside of MDL.

    My strategy has been effective across cultures like India, Germany, Australia, The UK, New Zealand, Dubai, Nigeria, Hong Kong, France, the Americas, and more.
  • How exactly does it work?
    Great Question!

    I host the live aspect of Magnetic Dating Lab 4x/year.

    My next session starts Wednesday, January 15, 2025! Don't worry, you don't have to wait until then to dive in and get results :)

    Enrollment happens on a rolling basis.

    Spots are limited because the program includes many personalized components (e.g. 1:1 Dating Profile Audit, live Q&A, and Online community), and I don't have capacity to help everyone.

    ⚡ Once you enroll, you get instant access to all Magnetic Dating Lab course materials and your bonus courses!

    This includes the recorded curriculum, plus handouts, and access to my Texting Communication Cure, Dating App Bio Overhaul Masterclass, and Master Your Attachment Style courses.

    The recorded curriculum is 100% go-at-your-own-pace.‍

    In the past, I offered Magnetic Dating Lab as a live program. Based on feedback from clients who preferred more flexible access, the lessons are now recorded, and you can dive in anytime (and watch as many, or as few, of the lessons in one sitting!) as you choose. I recommend watching one module per week, so you have time to process the information and implement the skills and strategies, but it's up to you.

    2) THE LIVE Q+A Coaching Sessions

    These sessions are designed to deliver answers to your questions.

    Here's how they work:

    ️The live sessions are lecture-style Q&A format.Your camera and mic are off, but you can use the chat function to ask me questions, and they typically last 60-90 minutes.

    The first live Q+A session will be on Wednesday, September 25 2024 at 5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST. The next 3 sessions happen on the subsequent Wednesdays at the same time. You’ll also get access to the next cohort’s 4 Q+A calls. This way, you get support while going through the curriculum, AND after you’ve had a few months to implement it! Call dates and times emailed to you upon registration.

    There are 4 live coaching sessions per cohort. Each session maps to a course module. You get access to your cohorts session and the next cohorts (8 total). I'll prioritize questions related to Module 1 during our first live session, questions related to Module 2 during our second live session, etc, so I recommend watching the recorded curriculum on this schedule.

    Can't attend live? No problem! The live calls are recorded, and I'll share a link to submit questions in advance of each session, so you get your questions answered even if you can’t attend live. I'll upload the recording to our student site shortly after the session wraps up.

    Only ~50% of Magnetic Dating Lab students choose to attend the live sessions. You can get questions answered in the online community, too, and IMO the bulk of the program value is in the recorded curriculum. Think of the live sessions as the cherry on top of the sundae, not the sundae itself!

    You’ll create an irresistible profile that stands out and quickly start matching with men YOU consider dream partner material!

    First, you follow my simple G.P.A. Strategy in Module 2 of Magnetic Dating Lab to make a draft profile. You’ll learn how to leverage the psychology of long-term compatibility in your profile so that it SPEAKS to dream partners before their thumb swipes onto the next.

    Then, I’ll personally review your profile and provide detailed feedback for maximum optimization.

    Instructions for submitting your profile for my review will be sent to you upon registration.

    You decide when we do your 1:1 Dating Profile Audit, but I ask that you submit your profile for makeover to me within 3 months of signing up for Magnetic Dating Lab. *If you choose a payment plan, we can't start your Audit until you complete your payment plan. This does NOT apply if you select “Pay in Full and choose a payment plan through Klarna, Afterpay, Affirm, etc. We will be able to begin your audit ASAP if you choose a payment plan through one of the third-party providers.*
  • What is the pacing of the class like? How long will it take to get through the program?
    Magnetic Dating Lab includes 4 video modules (totaling 5+ hours of content) that you can watch at any pace that works for you! Some students go through it one week at a time, while others watch one module per month, and everything in-between.

    You'll have lifetime access to the entire curriculum, so you can watch it any time, as many times as you want (and you also get grandfathered into any future updates)

    The same is true for your bonus Self Love Lab course (6+ hours of content) and the 3 bonus masterclasses (Texting Cure, DABOM, and Attachment Masterclass - over 6+ hours of content total).
  • Do I have to be available at certain times? What if I can’t attend the live Q+A sessions?
    Nope! You can access the modules and bonus curriculum at your own pace as many times as you’d like, and the live calls are designed to ensure you get your questions answered even if you can't attend.

    The live calls are recorded, and I'll share a link to submit questions in advance of each session, so you get your questions answered even if you can’t attend live. I'll upload the recording to our student site shortly after the session wraps up.

    Only ~50% of Magnetic Dating Lab students choose to attend the live sessions. You can get questions answered in the online community, too, and IMO the bulk of the program value is in the recorded curriculum. Think of the live sessions as the cherry on top of the sundae, not the sundae itself!
  • Does this program include any 1:1 coaching?
    Magnetic Dating Lab includes many personalized components (e.g. the 1:1 Profile Audit with me, the live Q&A sessions, and the online community).

    It does not include traditional 1:1 coaching, though.

    The good news is: You probably don't NEED 1:1 coaching to stop feeling anxious or attaching too quickly in dating and start attracting emotionally mature, compatible guys.

    Through years of working with thousands of women 1:1, I've learned:

    Every woman has a unique personal dating background and experiences with relationships (or lack thereof).

    Most women want to reach the same goal, though.‍
    You probably want to feel confident, have options, and (eventually) an emotionally available, compatible life partner.

    Getting to this goal requires the same KNOWLEDGE, CONCRETE SKILLS, and HABITS, regardless of your starting point.

    This is exactly what I cover in Magnetic Dating Lab!

    Here’s another way to look at it:

    My clients come from different backgrounds, ethnicities, ages, and cultures.

    Many of my clients are suspicious AF about taking an online course on dating.

    But the vast majority (over 95%) report tangible improvements in their dating lives within 30 days.

    Even more (over 98%) say they'd recommend Magnetic Dating Lab to a friend, and many do!

    Anyway, there's nothing wrong with wanting 1:1 coaching. Having a private coach is a super convenient way to learn!

    I just don't include 1:1 coaching with Magnetic Dating Lab because most women don't NEED it to get the results they want, and this helps keep the price down.

    If you’re specifically looking for 1:1 coaching, you can check out my packages HERE ( ). Packages start at $2,590 USD.
  • How many times can I watch the course? Does access expire?
    You can watch it as many times as you’d like, and your access is forever!
  • What if I've already taken Magnetic Dating Lab or one of the masterclasses included as a bonus?
    As an MDL student, you already have lifetime access to the recorded curriculum of MDL. If you'd like to jump into the live group coaching sessions and receive a 1:1 Dating Profile Audit with me, the alumni rate is $597.

    Email my team at and include the email address you used to purchase MDL, and we'll send you an alumni link! (This is the rate even if you already own any or all of the BONUS masterclasses - Dating App Bio Overhaul Masterclass, Texting Communication Cure, or Master Your Attachment Style.)
  • What’s your refund policy?
    This is a big investment, and I want you to feel secure and EXCITED about making it!

    I offer the following refund policy:

    If you decide within 5 days of enrolling in Magnetic Dating Lab that you don't want to proceed:

    Email me, and I will refund you based on your consumption of the recorded Magnetic Dating Lab curriculum.

    For example, if you don't start the recorded curriculum, and you get cold feet, I'll give you 100% of your money back, no questions asked. Likewise, if you've watched 20% of the recorded curriculum, I'll give you 80% of your Magnetic Dating Lab investment back.

    There are a few more rules here:

    1. You can't have watched my Self Love Lab, Texting Communication Cure, The Dating App Bio Overhaul Masterclass, or Master Your Attachment Style Masterclass.

    You get access to all 4 courses with your Magnetic Dating Lab purchase, and I don't offer refunds for these courses.

    With this in mind, if you request a refund for Magnetic Dating Lab, and you've started my Self Love Lab, Texting Communication Cure, the Dating App Bio Overhaul Masterclass, or Master Your Attachment Style Masterclass. I will deduct the price per course from your Magnetic Dating Lab refund.

    If you paid in full, you also received access to my Breakup Bounceback Blueprint and Love or Leave as bonus courses. The same policy applies here- I do not offer refunds for these courses and will deduct the price per course from your Magnetic Dating Lab refund.

    2. We can't have done our 1:1 Dating App Profile Audit.

    This probably wouldn't happen within 5 days of enrollment, but just in case… Once I've invested time and effort into your Profile Audit, I can't offer you a refund for Magnetic Dating Lab under any circumstances.

    3. We'll determine how much you've consumed based on my course hosting service's records.

    The service that hosts my recorded courses, Kajabi, shows me how much of the course you've consumed. I've never had a problem with this before, but if you were to claim you'd only watched 1 module, and Kajabi said you'd watched 4 modules, your refund will be based on watching 4 modules :)

    4. I can't offer refunds more than 5 days after enrollment under any circumstances.

    I'm a small business owner, and I start deploying revenue from my sales for things like content production, new projects, my team's salaries, and even my mortgage basically as soon as it comes in!

    I hope this gives you confidence in deciding whether to invest in Magnetic Dating Lab!

    One last thing…

    Already think you might want a refund?
    For example, you're super skeptical of whether MDL can help you, or the investment is a stretch for you financially, or you're the type of person who often takes advantage of liberal return policies for shady reasons…

    Please don't join Magnetic Dating Lab!
    Refund requests are thankfully rare, but they're expensive and depressing, so I absolutely DO NOT want your money if a refund is already on your mind!
  • What if I have another question?
    Email me at :)
One month from now, you could still be struggling on your own, or you can join Magnetic Dating Lab and take a proven shortcut to get to your dream partner.

With tactical strategies, concrete techniques, and professional coaching from one of the world’s leading dating experts, Kelsey Wonderlin... your success is INEVITABLE.
What are you waiting for?
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  • Most Popular
    Pay in Full$1197.00
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    2 Monthly Payments2x $644.00
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    3 Monthly Payments3x $444.00
  • Most Popular
    6 Monthly Payments6x $255.00
  • Most Popular
    9 Monthly Payments9x $175.72
  • Total payment
  • 1xMagnetic Dating Lab + Self Love Lab Bonus$0

All prices in USD

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BONUS Today Only!  Save $50+ 

The perfect complements to the Magnetic Dating Lab 

Master the art of sexy AF boundaries and SKYROCKET your confidence throughout the dating process to become magnetic for healthy relationships.

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